Friday, September 12, 2008

The day has arrived!

Well everyone its Friday September 12th, the day of the dinner / auction. We have so much work in front of us today, looking forward to it all coming together. We hope you all can make it out tonight and that you will be blessed with a great evening. We are SO thankful to all of you who helped make today possible. Tonight's program has a list of all the donors, I can't believe how long it is. It has been amazing how God has orchestrated all of this. Whenever we had a need, there someone was to help us along the way. People secured donations on their own, places that we had not already been to, then some of you made phone calls to places we had been to as follow up, and then all the creative people who helped make our signs, put together our baskets etc etc etc. We have 150 items to auction off tonight. Something for everyone. Pray for everything to go well tonight. God Bless you all. We will update within the next few days or so how everything turned out. Here we go......

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