Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Guidebook updates

When we began this process about 20 months ago now or so, we received a thick book from our agency called the guidebook. It has everything in it about the adoption process. Many things have changed since the time we were sent the book and yesterday I looked online at the latest version. We found a few changes to consider. Some minor some which will make us think a little deeper. For one, the place to stay now has changed from the Hilton in Addis Ababa to the Union Hotel and Apartments. Another new item is we have to have a travel conference call with our agency I guess to make sure we understand all of the many details etc. Also some of the information given about the proper dress code etc has been amended slightly. The biggest and neatest item is the agency now offers a trip to Durame to see where our kids grew up and even possibly to meet the family of our daughter. I think the trip is like 3 hours away from the capital but I am not sure. Lisa and I have to decide if we want to go on the trip first, which you can do even if the family meeting is not an option, and then also if we want to meet them. I am pretty sure we will want to do both but it is something like $200 to go on the trip so we will weigh it with all the other factors. I think we would like to meet the family if possible, could be hard emotionally but long term it would be best for our daughter we feel. Pray Gods will for all of these details works out as he would want it to and of course for safe travels etc.

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