Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Sometimes I think God just sits back and grins as he works in his children's lives. The last few days he has had me grinning. I went to look at a used mini van the other day and met a wonderful christian man. He was born in Mexico but now lives here in Ohio with his wife. They just moved here from Wisconsin. We started sharing our faith and I mentioned the adoption. He told me of his friends who have adopted 2 sets of twins from Russia. I couldnt believe the irony as Lisa is dying to adopt twins if thats what God wants for us. I truly enjoyed the 20 minutes I spent with this man. We even said we might possibly get our families together for cook outs etc. Then I came home and spoke with a gentlemen I met on Craigs list. They had listed in the free category of items a rocker/glider. Lisa and I have always wanted one of them through all 4 of our biological kids but never had one. We even were looking at them at Baby's R Us a few months back. It turns out, this man and his wife adopted a child from China and I believe he said Kazakhstan. He mentioned that our email to him, which has our blog on every message that goes out on it, which told him we were adopting, was the reason we were getting the glider. Isnt that cool how God works. Its not a big deal probably to most people, but to us its just one of those little ways God shows us he is taking care of our needs, and even sometimes our wants. I guess we must be getting a baby now that God has given us this glider, I just hope and pray that a second one doesnt show up anytime soon!! That would mean twins like Lisa is dreaming, and I just dont know if I can handle that!! haha

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