Sunday, July 20, 2008

Am I a good enough Daddy

Sometimes I wonder if I will be a good enough Daddy to our new son or daughter. Yes I already have 4 kids, my oldest is 17, my youngest is almost 10. When I watch some of the videos from other families adoptions, I see and wonder, am I good enough to do this? Do I have the fatherly skills I should have? Do I love enough? I am just being honest with the thoughts I sometimes have. I know that God will provide all that is needed, and he will provide just when it is needed, he is an on time God. But just occasionally I begin to doubt. Isn't that human nature. I hate that part of my personality. One thing I know for sure though. I aint turnin back! God has called us to share his love, and thats what we are going to do. I also believe that our new child is only going to make us better parents. He or she will teach us so much more about ourselves, our world and God himself. I chose the name adoption journey as part of our blogs title purposely. It has already been and continues to be just that. A wonderful journey.

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