Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another delay

Well we had everything ready for our in home interview with us, the kids and our home safety inspection for today at 3pm. Olga from the agency called today and postponed with us until sometime in early Feb. She was put on medical leave today and she needs to be the one who meets with us as she has already met with both Lisa and I, as well as been dealing with our home study herself from the beginning. IT would be apparently too confusing for someone new to come on board now near the end of the process. Sometimes this can get a little frustrating. Our son had secured a sub for his job at the YMCA tonight so he could be home for the interviews. I had advised work I would be leaving early and Lisa had scheduled my Mom to come and watch the twins she babysits near the end of the day. I have read about some of the delays and problems a family encounters as they adopt so I was aware of these sort of things, but it still can be frustrating.

We were hoping to finally get the home study behind us, to move on to the next steps, have a sense of accomplishment, and apply for grants from Christian organizations. I guess what Lisa said today is right, we just have to believe and trust God in his timing for all of this.

Keep praying for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, been a while since I checked out your blog. While this delay is frustrating we know God's timing is perfect (please do not remind me when it is my turn to wait).
