Saturday, February 14, 2009

Home study

We had our last meeting in home yesterday. Everything went great. We should have our approved study in a week or two. Our social worker was very nice. She was an adoptive parent herself having adopted a son from Bolivia and a daughter from China. She also has 3 biological children as well who are all grown I believe she said. She was very knowledgeable and friendly. I enjoyed watching her interact with our kids as she asked them questions. Of course Christian had to have some fun at our expense as he told her we had Jack Daniels hidden in our kitchen. I dont know what that boys mother has done to him! (haha)

She and her husband started a work in Bolivia as they ran an orphanage for years. If I understood her correctly they are now doing some work in Kenya. She was able to offer us some insight into what an adoptive child has to go through. One thing that is difficult for many to understand, is that while the adopting family is excited and overwhelmed with feelings of love and joy typically, the child is dealing with a deep grief. A grief that manifests itself in a variety of ways that the less discerning will miss. Please pray for our child/children that God will provide. Pray for their loss and pray for our wisdom in loving them and understanding where they are at in any given circumstance. Bottom line, its not about us, its about them.

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