Thursday, October 15, 2009

Overjoyed about Joy

I have at times found it difficult to sleep when experiencing difficulty or sadness. Recently, with the loss of my Father there have been times, especially those first few days and weeks, that I would wake and immediately begin to think about my Dad. Several times I ended up just getting up for a while, sometimes returning to bed sometimes not. Last Friday, after the anonymous donor gave us the $4000 and we had all we needed, basically, for the adoption including travel, I experienced something new. I woke up Saturday morning around 5am and was simply overjoyed. I was so thrilled and in awe of God and what he had taken us through, I simply could not sleep. I got up and studied some, checked ESPN for scores etc. The very same thing happened Sunday morning as well, only this time it was 330am. Words can not adequately express the thankful hearts that we have for all of you that prayed, helped and gave. And of course most importantly we are in awe and overwhelmed that God moved so amazingly and so quickly to help us. We are simply OVERJOYED ABOUT JOY!

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