Monday, October 12, 2009

God is faithful

I stumbled by an old email a friend of mine sent me on March 26, 2008 when we were just beginning our adoption journey when we were faced with raising $20,000 we did not have. Its words were prophetic. Listen to what she said, and try to trust God for whatever your going through yourself. God is faithful!

"It's going to be awesome to watch how God works to raise those few measly thousand dollars. That is NOTHING to Him...but I guarantee it is going to be awesome to watch. I know I'M looking forward to it!! God knows your hearts, and I truly believe he is going to RICHLY reward you for your faithfulness! The neat thing about having to raise that much money is going to be all the people it is going to involve in one way or another. If you just had the money sitting around, or if someone donated all of it, you wouldn't get to see God at work. I know I've given you this analogy before, but I still think back to Gideon. God purposely dwindled his army down to nothing so they would KNOW it was God winning the battle. In addition, God is going to touch hundreds of lives through you along the way...just like the teller at the bank...and countless others who are watching you will never know about!! While the endgame is going to be beautiful, the journey along the way is going to be incredible!!!! Enjoy watching the scenery on the way!!!"

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