Tuesday, January 26, 2010


As I have thought about all that our daughter has seen, experienced, felt, tasted, smelled and lived through these past few weeks, I was struck with how this for her is very similar to something else. She has traveled over half of the world to find her home. Her life is completely transformed. She now lives in a home large enough to offer her her very own bedroom. She has food anytime she wants or needs it. All of her physical needs are met. She is loved wildly by so many I am excited just to type these words. The weather is completely different than what she is used to. The clothes she wears, the places she goes, just everything is completely different. She has been planted into a family and is now a part of it as if she had always been a part of it. This is exactly what God does for those who have accepted him. Those who have yielded their lives and humbled themselves, realizing that like every other soul on the planet, they have sinned (missed the target). They need a Savior and they accept Jesus and what he willingly gave up for them. In this acceptance of this free gift, they find their lives transformed. They find that they have been grafted into a new family, Gods family. They have a loving Father who takes care of them and cares for them. They find themselves surrounded by loving brothers and sisters who love them fully. I think this picture of adoption, and how it compares to how God adopted us, is so beautiful, I can only smile when I ponder it.

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