Sunday, April 6, 2008


You know one thing that I really love about children, its how innocent they are. Today after church I took my 2 daughters and their cousin who came home with us to spend the night to Wendy's for lunch. Mom is away for the weekend and so I took them to a place where someone other than me could cook for them! Lord knows I cant cook. Anyway, I digress. We are sitting there and of course we pray before we eat. After the prayer we started talking about praying and how we shut our eyes when we do pray. We talked about how we dont really have to shut our eyes when we pray. One of the kids said, "You know when we talk with someone, we dont shut our eyes". Isnt that just what prayer is, just talking to God. It was just a simple conversation that lasted about 5-10 minutes. I noticed however there was an older gentlemen sitting nearby who seemed to be listening to the kids and I talk. I started thinking about what he was thinking of what we were saying. In the middle of that moment, I realized that the kids were oblivious to the knowledge that we had a watchful ear nearby listening in on us. I wondered if there was something I should try to say to "spiritualize" if you will the conversation. I love though how the kids were just being who they were, innocently talking about talking to God without any thought of anything around us. Dont we as adults often temper our behavior based upon our audience? Have we ever failed to share God with someone because we were afraid of how they would view us? For today I think Im gonna try to be like a big ole kid again and just forget that I am an adult. I think Im going to have some fun, love on those around me when I can, and just live free today. Just be innocent again. Why dont you try that too.

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