Thursday, March 13, 2008


Tonight I was feeling a little bit low so I went to youtube for some encouragement. I typed in adoption videos then Ethiopian adoption videos. Wow! Talk about encouraged. I must have watched over 10 videos almost all accompanied with songs. As I was watching them I was thinking of Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1. It says:

Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

This verse follows chapter 11 which is known in the bible as the faith chapter. Its filled with words of encouragement from many characters in the Bible who through faith made it through. I love how God includes people in there who failed many times, people who were really just like you and I and have every day struggles. I especially love how he includes Rahab who was a prostitute but through faith was changed. See, God can take anyone and make them clean and will use them for his glory and their benefit. He loves us all so much, he died for us. What more could we ask. So just like these soldiers of our God encourage us in our walk of faith, I went out seeking encouragement tonight from those who have gone before in the adoption journey we now find ourselves in. Needless to say, God did not let me down. He showed up and showed off again. ( are we getting the theme here? ) So here are the links to my favorite videos I watched tonight. I hope they touch your heart as they did mine.

This next one really meant something to me. It plays the song "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns my favorite group. The first Sunday back from the missions trip I went on in 2005, Terry P played the testimony from the lead singer of his life, how he faced many giants in his life and with God always won. I remember how I was still filled with emotion from the trip, and thanking God he gave me the courage to go on that trip. See, I was afraid to go in many ways. I didnt know what I could really do to help once there as I have no real mechanical skills, I was worried about what it would be like etc etc. God really began a work on me that trip and that song and the testimony I heard for the first time really spoke to my heart. The other cool thing about this video, the family adopting in it brought their children home on March 15, 2007. March 15 is my birthday! There he goes again... here is the link.

Dont ever forget, God loves you!

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