Sunday, March 16, 2008


The last few days I have been thinking about prayer. The concept of pouring out our hearts to God begging him to intercede on our behalf has become more alive to me than ever. Watching some of the amazing adoption videos over the past few days my minds eye keeps slipping back to one paricular image. It was an older Ethiopian women bowing in what looked to be earnest prayer. I was struck with the thought of her asking God to send families to her country. Families willing to adopt her countries children to love them and share the love of God with them. In my mind then the scene shifts to a scene somewhere in 2004/2005 when God arranges for me to go on a missions trip. My heart is first burdened there for the children of such poverty. How God planted a seed in my heart forgotten by me off and on for a few years. Then I consider a man of God preparing somehwere in Arkansas for a message he is called upon to proclaim one Friday morning in Chicago. God arranges for me to be in that very place to hear that message he has for me that day. I think of Gods Holy Spirit working on my heart, reminding me in the next few days and weeks of what I saw on that missions trip. Gently and daily showing me the way. Faithfully affirming his call in so many amazing ways as the days go by. I go back then in my minds eye to that faithful servant of God who one day earnestly pleaded with our Lord to send someone to her country. I look forward one day to meeting this lady, to hug her and cry with her. To thank her for begging God to move in the hearts of his people once again. I keep singing these past few weeks a song I heard many years ago. God still moves in the hearts of his people. I am thankful that God still moves.

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