Sunday, March 9, 2008


Just went today to Charter One and made the first donation to the adoption fund. It was by Patty F. for $20. She is the wife for one of my best friends I have ever had, Jamie who I work with. We are good friends with them. Jamie gave it to me at work today in the morning in my office. Its exciting to get this thing started. I like the fact that Jamie and Patty made the first donation. Later at work around 3pm I decided to send out an email to many of my coworkers. I think I counted up 60 individuals. Here is what I said:


My family has embarked on a journey to adopt and orphan from Ethiopia. We have been called to act and we are responding. There are approximately 5 million orphans in Ethiopia that need forever families. My wife and children are excited about the opportunity to make our home a place where a child can learn about hope and love. There is one barrier to our plan and that is money. We have begun the process to raise approximately $20,000 that is required for all the expenses involved both here in the U.S. and abroad in Ethiopia. We have opened an account at our bank, Charter One. It is called The West Family Adoption Fund. Anyone can at any time go into any Charter One Bank and make a donation, just simply tell them it is for The West Family Adoption Fund and the bank will make the deposit. We plan on having a spaghetti dinner and auction sometime in the future as well, this is just the beginning. If you can find it in your heart to help us we would be eternally grateful.

Greg West

About 5 minutes from the time I sent this email I received emails telling me they would be making donations as soon as they could. My friend who works across the hall from my office, her name is Kathy B. who I have worked with for 18 years, walks into my office and says, " Greg, I dont get into Charter One very often but I can give you this" It was a check for $100. She was such an encouragement to me, it was neat how God gave me immediate confirmation. It was not easy for me to send that email. I am not good at asking for help, but I dont want to have my silly pride stand in the way of what God wants to do. We have a child God created for us to love and care for and we wont stop and take the easy way out. God is on the march. He is showing up and showing off!

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