Thursday, March 20, 2008


I was watching videos tonight ( you guessed it- youtube again) and I came across a video titled " One More". Its a video that speaks to the great need in the world for so many orphaned children. Sometimes the magnitude of the problem is overwhelming to think about. The videos message is do you have room in your heart for just one more? My wife and I have 4 children, ages 17,15, 11, and 9. God has made room in our hearts for at least one more. How about you? Will you consider adopting a child here in the U.S. perhaps from the foster care program? Will you consider adopting internationally? Will you open your heart to Gods leading? I am not saying adoption is for everyone, but can you donate to people like my family who only need the money to adopt to do it. Will you get involved bt sponsoring a child monthly perhaps somewhere where the basics of food and shelter are so in need. There is so much we all could be doing, find a need and do what you can to meet it. Here is the link to the video-

While I was wactching this tonight my mind went to a movie I saw once, " Schindlers List". It is the true story told about a man named Schindler who was able to save many Jews from the holocaust during WWII. I remember at the end of the movie, Schindler is leaving the over 1100 people he was able to save, there is a moment where he breaks down and begins to sob. He looks at his car and says why did he keep that car, it could have saved 10 people had he sold it, a gold pin on his suit could have saved one more had he sold it, he wonders aloud how many more he could have saved. He says that he made so much money in his life and for what? The words that are haunting are the words he says, " I could've got more out".

What makes a man cry out after such effort, wishing only he could have done more? Where are the Schindlers today? Dont extraordinary events call for extraordinary action? I dont want to at the end of my life wish I could have time back to do more for others. I want God to use me up for his glory and to serve others. And you know what the amazing thing is, when we live like this for God, we arent used up, we are filled up. The world does not understand the joy of the Lord, how can they when so many of us who name the name of Christ are more concerned about our next automobile lease than we are on providing a new lease on life for someone in our world. Can we spend a little more time helping our neighbor, sharing Jesus with them, comforting them in their time of sorrow. I can guarantee you if we do, our lives will be so full with the love of God we will have wished we would have started living for him so much sooner. God bless you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you posted the link to that scene. That scene really changed the way I looked at money. It's like the adage says: Just look at your checkbook to find out where your heart truly is.

I think it's true that not every family is able or called to reach out and adopt a child. But I think we have a wonderful opportunity to reach out and support those who do!

You, Lisa and the kids are going to make an unbelievable, loving home for a child somewhere. I can't wait!!